The Sycamore Tree Academy Open Day

The painful truth is that not all children should be in the mainstream schooling system, so they don’t get awards as recognition of their efforts and are often made to feel stupid or “less than” .

I was an academically gifted learner and it wasn’t until I became a parent that I realized how much some children struggle with this one dimensional style of teaching.

To the mothers of kids with learning challenges, just know that you are a great mom and what we measure is “effort” as long as your baby did their best ? celebrate them and celebrate your effort in raising them.

They are gifted in ways not measured by memorization or school testing, keep exposing them to different activities.

The open day at The Sycamore Tree Academy on Saturday the 7th December, 2019 was a huge success and our thanks go out to all the people involved in the preparation and to those parents who invested their time in their children’s future with us.

We have a few spaces left for which interest has been shown. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for smaller classes with fewer children where personal one on one attention can be given to supplying a good education for all.

We have no restrictions to the area where you live having to be the area you must go to school , we welcome all candidates to apply from whatever area they live as long as they are able to attend .

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